Subject: Geography
Topic: Threats from groundwater
Description: Describes how groundwater can be a hazard - as salinity and as a threat to infrastructure and mines.
About the Topic
Threats from groundwater
Describes how groundwater can be a hazard – as salinity and as a threat to infrastructure and mines.
Game: Tectonic Island in the classroom
Suggests some ways the Tectonic Island game can be used to explore the concept of sustainable use of groundwater.
Game: Bots’n’Bores in the classroom
Suggest some ways "Bots'n'Bores" can be used to explore the importance of groundwater management in infrastructure construction and operation.
Part of Worksheet 3: Sandcastles
Explore how groundwater helps keep sand stable
Case Studies
CS34 - Stygofauna and mining in the Pilbara, WA
This case study explains why mining companies in Western Australia are helping to drive research into stygofauna, particularly in the Pilbara area.
CityLink Groundwater Management, Melbourne
This case study highlights the importance of groundwater management in the construction and operation of Melbourne's CityLink road tunnels.
Salt water intrusion impacts on irrigation
Werribee South irrigation district in Victoria is a market garden centre providing vegetables to Melbourne. Water for irrigation is sourced from surface water, groundwater and recycled water. At the height of the recent drought, groundwater extraction started to draw saline sea water into the otherwise fresh water. See how this was managed!
Fuel spill impacts on groundwater, Avalon Victoria
When a high pressure fuel transport pipe leaks, large volumes of fuel can contaminate the groundwater. In this case study, a small leak resulted in thousands of litres of fuel forming a pool of fuel mix floating on the watertable. This case study looks at how this was managed.